What is the order in which attached properties are applied to an object ? I guess I should ignore this, but here my scenario: I've got an attached property to stick the VM to the View, and then, another attached property that depend on the first one. I'm trying to see what happen if the second is set up before the first, but I can't manage to get the error! ie the first ( the model ) is always set up before the second, whatever is the order in xaml. Who is driving the order of assigment? Can I change it?
Now I'm dealing with the late assigmement by subscribing the proeprty change event:
DependencyPropertyDescriptor dd = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(FrameworkElement.DataContextProperty,depo.GetType());
dd.AddValueChanged(depo, (s, a) =>
ChangeDatacontext(s as DependencyObject);
and for simulate the problem I setup manually a new datacontext to the object.
Thanks, Felix