I am trying to use the Custom Feature generation of OpenNLP for Named Finder API.
I went through the documentation but I was not able to understand how to specify the different features.
It just says:
AdaptiveFeatureGenerator featureGenerator = new CachedFeatureGenerator(
new AdaptiveFeatureGenerator[]{
new WindowFeatureGenerator(new TokenFeatureGenerator(), 2, 2),
new WindowFeatureGenerator(new TokenClassFeatureGenerator(true), 2, 2),
new OutcomePriorFeatureGenerator(),
new PreviousMapFeatureGenerator(),
new BigramNameFeatureGenerator(),
new SentenceFeatureGenerator(true, false)
But how do you actually use each of these different feature generators to create my own custom features. Can somebody post a sample code defining these feature generators and how do we use it for custom feature generation. Thanks in anticipation.