I'm helping to set up a Web site with Clojure's Noir framework, though I have a lot more experience with Django/Python. In Django, I'm used to URLs such as
being 302-redirected automagically to
Noir is more picky and does not do this.
What would be the proper way to do this automatically? Since good URLs are an important way of addressing into a site, and many users will forget the trailing slash, this is basic functionality I'd like to add to my site.
EDIT: Here is what finally worked for me, based on @IvanKoblik's suggestions:
(defn wrap-slash [handler]
(fn [{:keys [uri] :as req}]
(if (and (.endsWith uri "/") (not= uri "/"))
(handler (assoc req :uri (.substring uri
0 (dec (count uri)))))
(handler req))))