The derived type is used as type argument in the base class together with a static semaphore to get one semaphore shared between all instances of each subclass. And then there is some mess to ensure that only one type is active. A quick test indicates that this works correctly but there is an issue.
Assume for example that the method of ClassA1
is currently executing. If new request to execute this methods arrive with high frequency it may happen that other derived classes get no chance to execute because there are constantly new threads executing the method of class ClassA1
internal abstract class ClassA<TDerived> : ClassA
private const Int32 MaximumNumberConcurrentThreads = 3;
private static readonly Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(ClassA<TDerived>.MaximumNumberConcurrentThreads, ClassA<TDerived>.MaximumNumberConcurrentThreads);
internal void MethodA()
lock (ClassA.setCurrentlyExcutingTypeLock)
while (!((ClassA.currentlyExcutingType == null) || (ClassA.currentlyExcutingType == typeof(TDerived))))
if (ClassA.currentlyExcutingType == null)
ClassA.currentlyExcutingType = typeof(TDerived);
lock (ClassA.setCurrentlyExcutingTypeLock)
if (ClassA.numberCurrentlyPossiblyExecutingThreads == 0)
ClassA.currentlyExcutingType = null;
protected abstract void MethodACore();
Note that a wrapper method is used to call the actual implementation in MethodACore
. All the synchronization objects shared between all derived classes are in a non-generic base class.
internal abstract class ClassA
protected static Type currentlyExcutingType = null;
protected static readonly Object setCurrentlyExcutingTypeLock = new Object();
protected static Int32 numberCurrentlyPossiblyExecutingThreads = 0;
The derived classes will look like this.
internal sealed class ClassA1 : ClassA<ClassA1>
protected override void MethodACore()
// Do work here.
internal sealed class ClassA2 : ClassA<ClassA2>
protected override void MethodACore()
// Do work here.
Unfortunately I have no time to explain how and why this works in more detail right now but I will update the answer tomorrow.
on different derived types -ClassA1.MethodA
and so on. At any point in time threads are only allowed to execute one of this methods. Four threads in methodClassA2.MethodA
is valid, but not one thread executingClassA1.MethodA
and three threads executingClassA2.MethodA
. – Galacto