I have been trying to convert a pdf file to a single nice html page.After surfing about it. The solutions I have got are little bit lacking to my requirements.As I have to create individual html pages for say about 200 pdf files.As online converters might not be a leading solution. So I tried the following solutions along with the requirements not being fulfilled.
embeds a pdf into html page nicely.-
HTML page is not editable since it simply embeds the pdf to html page. -
Converts the pdf to single html page.-
the look is not very nice. -
Converts the pdf to html page with a readable look.-
HTML page is not editable. -
Converts the pdf to single html page with a nice look and html css.-
It creats a big folder contaning images for thumbnails and html page for a single page in pdf that might not be feasible for large number of pdf files.
From where can I improve the output..