In my play-framework-based web application users can download all the rows of different database tables in csv or json format. Tables are relatively large (100k+ rows) and I am trying to stream back the result using chunking in Play 2.2.
However the problem is although println statements shows that the rows get written to the Chunks.Out object, they do not show up in the client side! If I limit the rows getting sent back it will work, but it also has a big delay in the beginning which gets bigger if I try to send back all the rows and causes a time-out or the server runs out of memory.
I use Ebean ORM and the tables are indexed and querying from psql doesn't take much time. Does anyone have any idea what might be the problem?
I appreciate your help a lot!
Here is the code for one of the controllers:
public static Result showEpex() {
User user = getUser();
if(user == null || user.getRole() == null)
return ok(views.html.profile.render(user, Application.NOT_CONFIRMED_MSG));
DynamicForm form = DynamicForm.form().bindFromRequest();
final UserRequest req = UserRequest.getRequest(form);
if(req.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("html")) {
Page<EpexEntry> page =, req.getFinish(), req.getPage());
return ok(views.html.epex.render(page, req));
// otherwise chunk result and send back
final ResultStreamer<EpexEntry> streamer = new ResultStreamer<EpexEntry>();
Chunks<String> chunks = new StringChunks() {
public void onReady(play.mvc.Results.Chunks.Out<String> out) {
Page<EpexEntry> page =, req.getFinish(), 0);
ResultStreamer<EpexEntry> streamer = new ResultStreamer<EpexEntry>();, page, req);
return ok(chunks).as("text/plain");
And the streamer:
public class ResultStreamer<T extends Entry> {
private static ALogger logger = Logger.of(ResultStreamer.class);
public void stream(Out<String> out, Page<T> page, UserRequest req) {
if(req.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("json")) {
JsonContext context = Ebean.createJsonContext();
for(T e: page.getList())
out.write(context.toJsonString(e) + ", ");
while(page.hasNext()) {
page =;
for(T e: page.getList())
out.write(context.toJsonString(e) + ", ");
} else if(req.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("csv")) {
for(T e: page.getList())
out.write(e.toCsv(CSV_SEPARATOR) + "\n");
while(page.hasNext()) {
page =;
for(T e: page.getList())
out.write(e.toCsv(CSV_SEPARATOR) + "\n");
}else {
out.write("Invalid format! Only CSV, JSON and HTML can be generated!");
public static final String CSV_SEPARATOR = ";";
And the model:
public class EpexEntry extends Model implements Entry {
@Column(columnDefinition = "pg-uuid")
private UUID id;
private DateTime start;
private DateTime finish;
private String contract;
private String market;
private Double low;
private Double high;
private Double last;
private Double weightAverage;
private Double index;
private Double buyVol;
private Double sellVol;
private static final String START_COL = "start";
private static final String FINISH_COL = "finish";
private static final String CONTRACT_COL = "contract";
private static final String MARKET_COL = "market";
private static final String ORDER_BY = MARKET_COL + "," + CONTRACT_COL + "," + START_COL;
public static final int PAGE_SIZE = 100;
public static final String HOURLY_CONTRACT = "hourly";
public static final String MIN15_CONTRACT = "15min";
public static final String FRANCE_MARKET = "france";
public static final String GER_AUS_MARKET = "germany/austria";
public static final String SWISS_MARKET = "switzerland";
public static Finder<UUID, EpexEntry> find =
new Finder(UUID.class, EpexEntry.class);
public EpexEntry() {
public EpexEntry(UUID id, DateTime start, DateTime finish, String contract,
String market, Double low, Double high, Double last,
Double weightAverage, Double index, Double buyVol, Double sellVol) { = id;
this.start = start;
this.finish = finish;
this.contract = contract; = market;
this.low = low;
this.high = high;
this.last = last;
this.weightAverage = weightAverage;
this.index = index;
this.buyVol = buyVol;
this.sellVol = sellVol;
public static Page<EpexEntry> page(DateTime from, DateTime to, int page) {
if(from == null && to == null)
return find.order(ORDER_BY).findPagingList(PAGE_SIZE).getPage(page);
ExpressionList<EpexEntry> exp = find.where();
if(from != null)
exp =, from);
if(to != null)
exp = exp.le(FINISH_COL, to.plusHours(24));
return exp.order(ORDER_BY).findPagingList(PAGE_SIZE).getPage(page);
public String toCsv(String s) {
return id + s + start + s + finish + s + contract +
s + market + s + low + s + high + s +
last + s + weightAverage + s +
index + s + buyVol + s + sellVol;