We have a flow where we have implemented a soap client to send soap messages to Service provider.
We need to retry the service call for 3 times if it fails. So we have used HTTP Outbound Endpoint inside until successful scope.
It is doing retry as expected, but in case of success scenario, even if we get the response from the service, we are observing a time out error as below.
[DispatchThread: 1] org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl: Timed out waiting for response to operation {http://support.cxf.module.mule.org/}invoke.
I have removed the until successfully and had the HTTP Outbound endpoint directly, in this case there is no timeout error.
I later tried having until successfully and had an acknowledge expression to accept the response, still the same time out response.
failureExpression="#[message.inboundProperties['http.status'] != 200]" ackExpression="#[message.correlationId]"
Could any one please suggest, how to configure the until successful for accepting the response and not throwing time out error.