I have the following code in my Dancer app module:
package Deadlands;
use Dancer ':syntax';
use Dice;
our $VERSION = '0.1';
get '/' => sub {
my ($dieQty, $dieType);
$dieQty = param('dieQty');
$dieType = param('dieType');
if (defined $dieQty && defined $dieType) {
return Dice->new(dieType => $dieType, dieQty => $dieQty)->getStandardResult();
template 'index';
I have a Moops class called Dice.pm that works just fine if I test it with a .pl file, but when I try to access it through the web browser, I get the following error: Can't locate object method "new" via package "Dice" (perhaps you forgot to load "Dice"?).
Can I do this with Dancer?
Here is the pertinent code from Dice.pm:
use 5.14.3;
use Moops;
class Dice 1.0 {
has dieType => (is => 'rw', isa => Int, required => 1);
has dieQty => (is => 'rw', isa => Int, required => 1);
has finalResult => (is => 'rw', isa => Int, required => 0);
method getStandardResult() {
$self->finalResult(int(rand($self->dieType()) + 1));
return $self->finalResult();
use Dice;
? – Rorrysuse Dice;
– WhiteheadedDice.pm
. – Rorrys