I am on Day 4 of trying to get an autocomplete
field to fire in an RSpec test. Works super in the browser, it is just incredibly resistant to running in my request specs.
UPDATE: It looks like my RSpec/Capy scripts are running against the dev db instead of the test db. I'm using Pow, so I don't know what to set default_url_options[:host]
or Capybara.app_host
and Capybara.server_port
to. I have a feeling if I fix this, it may work.
The stack is:
- Rails 3.2.16
- Capybara
- RSpec
- Poltergeist/PhantomJS
- Pow
- Zeus
- Factory Girl
Click links, click buttons, fill_in fields all work great. But when it comes time to get this autocomplete to work, it absolutely refuses to work.
I am using this method:
def fill_autocomplete(field, options = {})
fill_in field, with: options[:with]
page.execute_script %Q{ $("##{field}").trigger('focus') }
page.execute_script %Q{ $("##{field}").trigger('keydown') }
selector = %Q{ul.ui-autocomplete li.ui-menu-item a:contains("#{options[:select]}")}
page.should have_selector('ul.ui-autocomplete li.ui-menu-item a')
page.execute_script %Q{ $("#{selector}").trigger('mouseenter').click() }
which I found here. The screenshot
line is my own. But the line above:
page.should have_selector('ul.ui-autocomplete li.ui-menu-item a')
returns false
. It works like a charm in the browser. I just can't for the life of me figure out why it won't work. I have tried everything I know how. How can I debug this?
The screenshot just shows the page I am expecting, with the field filled in appropriately. I even tested this with a "hello" alert that I inserted into the autocomplete
call. Works flawlessly in the browser, but no result at all in the test.
In short, it looks like the following two lines are having no effect:
page.execute_script %Q{ $("##{field}").trigger('focus') }
page.execute_script %Q{ $("##{field}").trigger('keydown') }
js: true
flag? – Thigmotropismputs page.html
, but I'm not sure) – Minimal