I have been having an issue whereby I can kill the processes that spawns the nodes but the nodes do not get killed. Does anyone have any suggest how I can do this?
Some of my latest failed attempts to accomplish this are:
below is the code:
from subprocess import Popen
import json
import sys
import os
import signal
import requests
FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
json_data = open('nodes.json', 'r').read()
data = json.loads(json_data)
port = data['port']
# launch hub
hub = Popen('java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.37.0.jar -role hub -port %s' % port, stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL, shell=True)
#launch nodes
nodes = []
for node in data['nodes']:
options = ''
if node['name'] == 'CHROME':
options += '-Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=../grid/chromedriver '
#options += ' -browser browserName='+node['name']+' maxInstances='+str(node['maxInstances'])
nodes.append(Popen('java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.37.0.jar -role node -hub http://localhost:%i/grid/register %s' % (port, options), stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL, shell=True))
# wait for user input
print "type 'q' and ENTER to close the grid:"
while True:
line = sys.stdin.readline()
if line == 'q\n':
# close nodes
for node in nodes:
# close hub
r = requests.get('http://localhost:'+str(port)+'/lifecycle-manager?action=shutdown')
As far as im aware, I'm basically forced to use shell=True, to get redirections to work Processing the child's stdout/stderr in the parent python process is not an option, since I couldn't find functionality for doing it in a non-waiting way (and the parent python process must do other things while the child is running)
# close nodes
for node in nodes:
this seems to kill all the processes except for 1 of the nodes. Not always the same one
– Elwandaelweeshell=True
? – Winzlernode.terminate()
which sends aSIGKILL
signal. But I think you tried that already? Try in combination withnode.wait()
– Elwandaelweeshell=True
in your code :) – ElwandaelweeSIGTERM
rather thanSIGINT
might work here? – Elwandaelweejava
, or child processes started by jvm? – Rhapsody