I'm using Play Framework 2.2.1 and have a project named "management" with one subproject named "security" (I used the tutorial located here ). Here's my project structure:
+ app
+ controllers
+ models
+ views
+ conf
+ application.conf
+ modules
+ security
+ app
+ controllers
+ models
+ views
+ test
+ models
+ ModelsTest.java
+ test
+ models
+ ModelsTest.java
When I run the test command, Play returned me with this error: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: The default EbeanServer has not been defined? This is normally set via the ebean.datasource.default property. Otherwise it should be registered programatically via registerServer()
If I add the application.conf file inside the security/conf directory, it works. How can I do to make the sub-project works with the root application.conf file?