I am trying to follow the official Tapestry tutorial
Following steps were fine :
- launching mvn jetty:run (from command line)
- launching mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true
- importing the project inside Eclipse
- configuring a new Jetty configuration from the imported project inside Eclipse
But as soon as I run the configuration from Eclipse, I get an error, whose log is here. (relevant part, according to me :
ioc.Registry Error building service proxy for service 'RegistryStartup'
Also, please notice that my issue is different from the one in this post : indeed, I've managed to set up Jetty 6 in Eclipse.
My OS is Ubuntu 13.10 64 bits.
On ubuntu i've installed Maven 3.1.1
I am using Eclipse Kepler Service Release 2
I installed the jetty plugin (RunJettyRun) 1.3.2 (Jetty 6).
Also, in Eclipse I set up the patch in order to use java8 runtime.