I have tried a few ways to send an email using Python in the Kivy app on Android. The closest I've come is using Plyer's email function (https://plyer.readthedocs.org/en/latest/#plyer.facades.Email), however it doesn't appear to support attachments.
What I want my app to do is open the user's email client and populate the recipient, subject, body and attachment fields. The attachment will be a .csv file generate by my app.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to do this? How can I modify this code to include attachments?
from jnius import autoclass, cast
from plyer.facades import Email
from plyer.platforms.android import activity
Intent = autoclass('android.content.Intent')
AndroidString = autoclass('java.lang.String')
class AndroidEmail(Email):
def _send(self, **kwargs):
intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND)
recipient = kwargs.get('recipient')
subject = kwargs.get('subject')
text = kwargs.get('text')
create_chooser = kwargs.get('create_chooser')
if recipient:
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, [recipient])
if subject:
android_subject = cast('java.lang.CharSequence',
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, android_subject)
if text:
android_text = cast('java.lang.CharSequence',
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, android_text)
if create_chooser:
chooser_title = cast('java.lang.CharSequence',
AndroidString('Send message with:'))
def instance():
return AndroidEmail()