I have a top level trait that contains a number of classes and traits like:
trait Trees { self: Types =>
trait Tree
trait IdentifiedTree extends Tree
trait Empty extends Tree
/** The factory for [[TypeUse]] instances */
trait TypeUse extends Tree
/** AST tree to represent erroneous trees */
object BadTree extends IdentifiedTree
/** AST tree for empty statements and trees */
val Empty: Empty = new Empty {}
trait Types
When I generate the documentation for it, using scaladoc I can link to the inner classes, using [[CLASS_NAME]], but scaladoc fails to create links for trees both in signatures and extends.
I use sbt to generate the scaladoc, and I use the following flags:
scalacOptions in (Compile, doc) ++= Seq("-groups", "-implicits",
"-diagrams", "-no-prefixes", "-author", "-explaintypes",
To give you a better idea, the api for the above definition is as follows (please note the missing links):
Can you tell me what am I doing wrong, please?