I'm requiring a valid session in order to download files from my web app.
When I open my web app on my iOS device, sign-in and try to download a file (PDF) from my site, I get kicked out and the link is opened in Safari instead. The user have to login again from Safari in order to download the page.
How can I force the file to open in the web app and trigger the download form there instead?
I'm using Carrierwave and in the controller I have this to trigger a download:
class DocumentsController < ApplicationController
# .. code omitted
def download
if @document.name.file.exists?
send_file @document.name.path, x_sendfile: true
redirect_to documents_url, notice: t(:file_not_found)
UPDATE: I found half-working solution that opens the file directly in the browser:
$(document).ready ->
if 'standalone' of window.navigator and window.navigator.standalone
# For iOS Apps
$('a').on 'click', (e) ->
new_location = $(this).attr('href')
if new_location != undefined and new_location.substr(0, 1) != '#' and $(this).attr('data-method') == undefined
window.location = new_location
By using this snippet of code, we force iOS users running in fullscreen-mode (web app) to open all a
links inside the app. The problem though is that if a user opens a file, there will be no "back"-button. And since iPhone users are missing a physical back button, they will have to force restart the entire app in order to get out of the showed file.