I am attempting to include specific header files in a yocto build that are found in dev packages. The packages are boost and alsa.
I have included the bitbake recipe files into my image recipe which is a bbappend of a core recipe (console-trdx-image.bb) as an IMAGE_INSTALL += and bitbaked the image.
When I look in my build work directory, in the packages for alsa and boost all the files are resident where I want them to be - usr/include/alsa as an example.
I am having difficulty getting the built/installed package material into the rootfs of the image itself.
My .bbappend for alsa is as follows:
do_install_append() {
# Create alsa dirs
install -d ${D}/${includedir}/alsa
install -d ${D}/${includedir}/alsa/sound
# Install headers
install -m 0755 ${S}/include/*.h ${D}/${includedir}/alsa
install -m 0755 ${S}/include/sound/*.h ${D}/${includedir}/alsa/sound
# Include these files in the install on the target
FILES_${PN} += "${includedir}/alsa/*.h"
When I look in /usr/include in the rootfs of the created image there isn't anything there. Not a sausage.
Anyone any ideas why?