During my studies to the OCPJP8 I've encountered one question which doesn't have very clear answer to me. Consider following code:
public class Animals
class Lamb implements Closeable
public void close()
throw new RuntimeException("a");
public static void main(String[] args)
new Animals().run();
public void run()
try (Lamb l = new Lamb();)
throw new IOException();
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("c");
According to the book correct answer for a question "Which exception will the code throw?" is "Runtime exception c with no suppressed exception". I have check this code in Eclipse and system.out suggest that the book is right. However, I've also modified the code a bit and added the following system.out just before throwing RuntimeException "c"
and the output I've got from this system.out is:
So clearly there is a suppressed exception. In debug mode, I've also found that this suppressed exception is the one frown in close() method.
Two questions: 1. Why there is no information in the console about exception throwed in close() method? 2. Is the answer given by the book correct?
to get a more meaningful output… – Dorie