I am using Reachability class from Apple to detect network events that have impact in the functionality of my app. It is a voip app that uses setKeepAliveTimeout, so every ~10 minutes wakes up reads the network status and decides if the connection should be refreshed.
BOOL res = [app setKeepAliveTimeout:600 handler:^{
[[WIFI instance] isWifiConnected];
[[AClass an_instance] refresh];
So every 10 minutes the isWifiConnected is called and the app reads the network status again.
- (BOOL) isWifiConnected {
self.wifiReach = [Reachability reachabilityForLocalWiFi];
NetworkStatus wifiStatus = [self.wifiReach currentReachabilityStatus];
switch (wifiStatus) {
case NotReachable: {
m_wifiConnected = NO;
case ReachableViaWiFi: {
m_wifiConnected = YES;
m_wwanConnected = NO;
return m_wifiConnected;
Although I have WiFi in the device the call returns false, ie no WiFi, and moreover NotReachable for the net status.
However after a very short time interval the reachability callback is called again and the the wifi seems connected. However i have already fired an event due to the error value and the app closes the connection with the server believing that there is no wi-fi.
Doing some research it I found this in the Readme file of the Reachability.m file (provided from Apple)
By default, the application uses www.apple.com for its remote host. You can change the host it uses in APLViewController.m by modifying the value of the remoteHostName variable in -viewDidLoad.
IMPORTANT: Reachability must use DNS to resolve the host name before it can determine the Reachability of that host, and this may take time on certain network connections. Because of this, the API will return NotReachable until name resolution has completed. This delay may be visible in the interface on some networks
Could it this be the problem? The delay in the dns lookup? Or do I need to enhance my code as well?
When I initialize the app I call this
self.hostReach = [Reachability reachabilityWithHostName: @"www.apple.com"];
If I use an IP address like this is correct?
self.hostReach = [Reachability reachabilityWithHostName: @""];
Is it safe to use a public IP? eg "" is the result of an nslookup for apple.com
There is a method in the Reachability class that seems to be used from the Apple's demo.
- (BOOL)connectionRequired
NSAssert(_reachabilityRef != NULL, @"connectionRequired called with NULL reachabilityRef");
SCNetworkReachabilityFlags flags;
if (SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags(_reachabilityRef, &flags))
return (flags & kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsConnectionRequired);
return NO;
Why the connectionRequired is needed? Can be used to resolved the problem?