I have installed graylog server and its dependencies.Trying to send logs from my php application to graylog server using Monolog. But I am not aware of how to use the Gelf handler.I have seen the GelfHandlerTest.php that is present inside the project Monolog but I am not able to set my publisher and create the handler.Can please anybody explain me with a sample code how to use it.
Trying to send logs from my localhost apache to a server that is set up in the same private network where the graylog is installed.
The testLogging file that is getting executed in PHP are,
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Handler\GelfHandler;
use Gelf\Message;
use Monolog\Formatter\GelfMessageFormatter;
$handler = new GelfHandler($publisher);
How to set the publisher in monolog?
Any sort of help is appreciated.Thanks