I have an angular 2 project and I'm using PrimeNG. I'm using a special tag with a lot of custom attributes and these attributes are always the same for this tag. I want to externalize these attributes and I created a custom directive used to add all attributes I need. The problem is that some of these attributes aren't native and maybe they aren't recognized. I get the error "Failed to execute 'setAttribute' on 'Element': '[myCustomAttribute]' is not a valid attribute name.
This is my directive:
selector: '[def-calendar]'
export class DefaultCalendarDirective {
constructor(private _elRef: ElementRef, private _renderer: Renderer2) {
ngOnInit() {
this._renderer.setAttribute(this._elRef.nativeElement, '[yearRange]', '1900:2100');
Anyone know how can I fix it? I don't know if is there a way to copy the element such as string and manipulate the string adding my attributes.
Thanks Fabrizio