I am using admin-on-rest as the admin interface for an app I'm building. In a create form, there are 3 inputs. I need to change the values of these 3 inputs based on events generated from antoher component.
export const OfficialPetitionCreate = ( props ) => {
return (
<Create {...props}>
<FormTab label="General">
<TextInput options={{ fullWidth : true }} label="Address" source="address"/>
<NumberInput options={{ fullWidth : true }} label="Lat" source="lat"/>
<NumberInput options={{ fullWidth : true }} label="Lng" source="lng"/>
<GeosuggestInput />
So I want to trigger a change from inside the GeosuggestInput component that would update the redux store for the address, lat and lng inputs above. The component is a map that handles a click event on a marker. I get the data I need from that event.
====================== Edit. Many thanks to pareek for his answer.
I just had to use connect, to connect to the redux store.
export default connect ( null , {
changeLat : val => change ( 'record-form' , "lat" , val ) ,
changeLng : val => change ( 'record-form' , "lng" , val ) ,
changeAddress : val => change ( 'record-form' , "address" , val ) ,
changeMapLocationUrl : val => change ( 'record-form' , "mapLocationUrl" , val ) ,
} ) ( GeosuggestInputComponent );
After you connect, you will have access to these methods under this.props (in this case inside the GeosuggestInputComponent). That being said, I invoked the methods in event handlers passing the data as the val parameter, and it worked.
Edit. So this would go in the render function
<MapWithASearchBox changeAddress={this.changeAddress.bind ( this )}
And then, the method in the class (the one I am binding to in render)
changeAddress ( val ) {
// # more logic here maybe ?
this.props.changeAddress ( val );
So bassically with connect you decorate the props of the component with new predicates.
method:import { connect } from 'react-redux'
– Alatechange ( 'record-form' , "lat" , val )
I'm not sure how to implement that. – Sourwood'change' is not defined no-undef
when I try this – Sourwood