I'm trying to sync my local DB to remote one like this:
const DB_NAME = "my_db";
const REMOTE_DB_URL ="http://<admin>:<password>/<ip-address>:5984/my_db";
const localDB = new PouchDB(DB_NAME);
const remoteDB = new PouchDB(REMOTE_DB_URL);
.then(() => {
console.log("Sync done");
.catch(err => {
This is the error I get:
message:"getCheckpoint rejected with " name:"unknown" result:{ok: false, start_time: Mon Dec 18 2017 14:14:03 GMT+0100 (CET), docs_read: 0, docs_written: 0, doc_write_failures: 0, ...} status: 0
Local DB is working fine, but when try to replicate/sync to remote, always get error above
I am using
- React Native 0.50.0
- pouchdb-react-native: 6.3.4
- Remote DB is CouchDB 2.1.1