in SQL it is usually possible to use literals in a select statement, e.g. like this
SELECT 'I', 'EQ', table.alev_uuid
FROM table
Is there any chance to do this in an ABAP SQL query?
what I tried so far is this:
DATA lt_aldf TYPE RANGE OF cam_pw_stat-alev_uuid .
DATA lv_i type string value 'I'.
DATA lv_eq type string value 'EQ'.
SELECT lv_i lv_eq alev~alev_uuid
FROM cam_tool AS tool INNER JOIN
cam_alev AS alev ON tool~tool_uuid = alev~tool_uuid
INTO TABLE lt_aldf
WHERE tool_access = /a1sspc/if_cam_tool=>gc_tool_definition-hdb-class AND
tool~active = abap_true AND
alev~active = abap_true.
But it does not work like in the usual SQL standard. Does anyone have any advice?
directly as constants in the query. – Patriapatriarch