I need to display a live video stream in a UWP application.
The video stream comes from a GoPro. It is transported by UDP messages. It is a MPEG-2 TS stream. I can play it successfully using FFPlay with the following command line :
ffplay -fflags nobuffer -f:v mpegts udp://:8554
I would like to play it with MediaPlayerElement without using a third party library.
According to the following page : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/audio-video-camera/supported-codecs UWP should be able to play it. (I installed the "Microsoft DVD" application in the Windows Store).
I receive the MPEG-2 TS stream with a UdpClient. It works well. I receive in each UdpReceiveResult a 12 bytes header, followed by 4, 5, 6, or 7 MPEGTS packets (each packet is 188 bytes, beginning with 0x47).
I created a MseStreamSource :
_mseStreamSource = new MseStreamSource();
_mseStreamSource.Opened += (_, __) =>
_mseSourceBuffer = _mseStreamSource.AddSourceBuffer("video/mp2t");
_mseSourceBuffer.Mode = MseAppendMode.Sequence;
_mediaPlayerElement.MediaSource = MediaSource.CreateFromMseStreamSource(_mseStreamSource);
This is how I send the messages to the MseStreamSource :
UdpReceiveResult receiveResult = await _udpClient.ReceiveAsync();
byte[] bytes = receiveResult.Buffer;
The MediaPlayerElement displays the message "video not supported or incorrect file name". (not sure of the message, my Windows is in French).
Is it a good idea to use the MseAppendMode.Sequence mode ? What should I pass to the AppendBuffer method ? The raw udp message including the 12 bytes header or each MPEGTS 188 bytes packet ?