There was a lot of traffic about preventing a link in a standalone web app from opening in mobile Safari, but the iOS versions quoted were much earlier (7-9?). In iOS 11, I'm having the opposite problem: in my standalone web app, I have links to PDF files that need to be displayed. When I click on them, they open inside the web app browser instead of inside Safari, no matter what options I have given. Because of standalone mode, the result is a dead-end in the web app that requires restart of the app. (Android seems to do the right thing and pass off to a pdf viewing app.)
Click handler (javascript/bootstrap/jquery):
function openDocument(docURL) {,'_blank');
return false;
Alternatively, can one turn on the navigation inside the web app for the new page so that I can avoid the dead end? (I think no from what I'm reading; I've tried some options to to no avail.) Or is it possible somehow put together a (multi-page) pdf viewer and a UI element for dismissal? Suggestions welcome.
EDIT: summarizing discussion below, iOS handles internal vs external links differently in standalone web apps. Making the links appear to be external by remapping on the server side allows the link to force Safari to open.