I have been trying to work out how to enable 2f login with Google Authentication in my Identity server 4 application.
2fa works fine with both email and phone.
if i check
var userFactors = await _userManager.GetValidTwoFactorProvidersAsync(user);
it has two email and phone
. I am assuming that this would be the two factor providers that have been set up for this user.
Now if i check _usermanager
again there is a field called tokenproviders
. Which appears to contain default, email, phone, and authenticator
. I assume these are the ones that Asp .net identity is configured to deal with.
I have worked out how to create the secret needed to genreate the QR code for the authecator app. As well has how to build the QR code and to test the code
var code = _userManager.GenerateNewAuthenticatorKey();
var qr = AuthencatorHelper.GetQrCodeGoogleUrl("bob", code, "My Company");
var user = await _signInManager.TwoFactorAuthenticatorSignInAsync(codeFromAppToTestWith, true, false);
if (user == null)
return View("Error");
Now the problem. I have gone though every method I can find on the user trying to work out how to add another token provider to the user.
How do I assign a new token provider to the user and supply the secret code needed to create the authentication codes?? I am not even seeing any tables in the database setup to handle this information. email and phone number are there and there is a column for 2faenabled. But nothing about authenticator.
I am currently looking into creating a custom usermanager and adding a field onto the application user. I was really hoping someone had a better idea.
on theUserManager
for a specific user to enable the authenticator provider for 2fa. – Strainer