Trying to run-up a Rails 4 project I developed 4 years ago, and I'm maintaining since then, I've got the next error that stucks the app on start:
machine stack overflow in critical region (fatal)
I have no problems during this 4 years, but recently, trying to add some many features that my client ask me for, I've found this and the process freeze hear. Sounds like infinite loop occurs somewhere in the code when updating gems, so... I need some help if possible...
bundle install
done. – Saxonwicked_pdf
? Some similar reports I've seen recently show the same error. – Waldowicked_pdf
with no problems until today that I have experienced that issue. In any case, I'll try to downgrade thewicked_pdf
gem, to check if is that the issue or not. Thanks in advance @TomLord – Saxonwicked_pdf
was released on March 17, 2019. So I strongly suspect you ranbundle update
, notbundle install
. – Waldobundle install
, notbundle update
. Maybe when I tried to deploy the project in my laptop on wednesday (the first time I ran the project to solve an issue of one of my clients) I executedbundle update
, but this command had no the effect I experienced yesterday. – Saxonwicked_pdf
going to cause this behaviour when rendering the login page and not when trying to build a PDF file. – Saxon