I'm working on a React application that uses the following architecture:
My question is: How can I execute an UI action on specific redux action?
For example, suppose we have the following async actions defined with typesafe-actions
export const listTodo = createAsyncAction(
)<void, Todo[], Error>();
An Epic will watch for listTodo.request()
and send the API call, then convert the response to a listTodo.success()
action. Then the redux reducer will be triggered by listTodo.success()
action and store the todo list into redux store.
In this setting, suppose I want to do the following things in an component:
- dispatch a
action to retrieve all the actions - After the async request is done (i.e. after
action appears in the action stream), redirect the UI to a second path
So my question is, how could I watch the action stream and react to the listTodo.success()
UPDATE: To avoid being too specific, we can think of another case. I want to simply display an alert with window.alert()
after listTodo.success()
appears in the action stream. Or simply console.log()
, or whatever that changes local state (instead of global redux state). Is there a way to implement that?
UPDATE 2: There is a similar question here, but for Angular w/ ngrx. What I want to do is exactly the thing described in above post, but in React / redux-observable fashion:
import { Actions } from '@ngrx/effects';
class SomeComponent implements OnDestroy {
constructor(updates$: Actions) {
.do(() => /* hooray, success, show notification alert ect..
? – Antipolewindow.alert()
is observed? – TreadmilllistTodo.success()
, perform a side effect withaction$.tap(() => {window.alert()})
and thenignoreElements()
– AntipolecombineEpics()
to combine all the Epics in your application and run it with theepicMiddleware
. See redux-observable.js.org/docs/basics/SettingUpTheMiddleware.html how to set upredux-observable
correctly – Antipole