Right now I have a query that returns a list of various properties for a specific entity:
SELECT ?propLabel ?val WHERE {
BIND(wd:Q122426 as ?entity)
BIND(?entity AS ?valUrl)
BIND("n/a" AS ?propUrl)
BIND("name"@en AS ?propLabel)
?entity rdfs:label ?val.
FILTER((LANG(?val)) = "en")
# instance of
?entity wdt:P31 ?valUrl .
BIND("instance of"@en AS ?propLabel)
# filter isIRI(?valUrl)
?valUrl rdfs:label ?valLabel
FILTER (LANG(?valLabel) = "en")
BIND(CONCAT(?valLabel) AS ?val)
# occupation
?entity wdt:P106 ?val.
BIND("occupation"@en AS ?propLabel)
# position held
?entity wdt:P39 ?val.
BIND("position"@en AS ?propLabel)
# ... and more ...
This works great, but it returns the entity code (Qxxxxx) instead of the text label. So I can change it like this:
# occupation
?entity wdt:P106 ?valUrl.
BIND("occupation"@en AS ?propLabel)
?valUrl rdfs:label ?valLabel
FILTER (LANG(?valLabel) = "en")
BIND(CONCAT(?valLabel) AS ?val)
and that works fine.
But my question is
How can I 'collapse' the values for multiple predicates into a string? i.e. for the predicates P106, P119, Px, Py, etc. get:
| ?property | ?valueLabel |
| tags | politician, Giza East Field, something else, something else |
| name | Henutsen |
Is there a more efficient way to structure the query rather than UNION
ing every predicate? Like, supply just a list of predicates P31, P106, P39
in your query. You should use anOPTIONAL
for each property which might be missing. And for the "array" of values, you have to usegroup_concat
as aggregate function andgroup by
the entity. Note, the result isn't a proper array but a string consisting of all joined values with the given separator as join string. There is no such array datastructure in SPARQL – EmbolismUNION
was so that I get a table where the rows are each property, but I honestly don't remember where I originally got that :) – ViSELECT distinct ?propLabel (COALESCE(str(?valLabel), ?val) as ?value) WHERE { VALUES (?prop ?propLabel) {(rdfs:label "name"@en) (wdt:P106 "occupation"@en) (wdt:P39 "position"@en)} wd:Q122426 ?prop ?val # if it's a literal and it has a language tag, take the English one FILTER(!isLiteral(?val) || lang(?val) = "" || langmatches(lang(?val), "en")) # get labels for IRIs OPTIONAL {?val rdfs:label ?valLabel FILTER(langmatches(lang(?valLabel), "en"))} }
– EmbolismSELECT distinct ?property ?valLabel WHERE { VALUES (?prop ?property) {(rdfs:label "name"@en) (wdt:P106 "occupation"@en) (wdt:P39 "position"@en)} wd:Q122426 ?prop ?val FILTER(!isLiteral(?val) || lang(?val) = "" || langmatches(lang(?val), "en")) SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .} }
– Embolism