I am setting up a custom Middleware for my .NET Core Application to log exception errors and have the following in the Startup.cs to register my contexts:
services.AddSingleton<IActionContextAccessor, ActionContextAccessor>();
And in my Configure I have added the following to use a custom middleware:
My custom Middleware class is the following:
public class CustomMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate next;
public CustomMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
this.next = next;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
await this.next.Invoke(context);
catch(Exception ex)
//Capture the exception.
string hostName = Environment.MachineName;
string url = StringFunctions.getCurrentUrl(context);
string userName = string.Empty;
string controllerName = string.Empty;
string actionName = string.Empty;
IActionContextAccessor contextAccessor = context.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(IActionContextAccessor)) as IActionContextAccessor;
RouteData routeData = contextAccessor.ActionContext.RouteData;
if (context.User != null)
userName = context.User.Identity.Name;
if (routeData != null && routeData.Values != null)
controllerName = routeData.Values["controller"].ToString();
actionName = routeData.Values["action"].ToString();
EventLogging.LogApplicationError(hostName, controllerName, actionName, url, userName, ex);
private void BeginInvoke(HttpContext context)
//custom work here
private void EndInvoke(HttpContext context)
// Do custom work after controller execution
It seems that the 'contextAccessor' that I am trying to get the ActionContext.RouteData values from is Null.
What am I doing wrong? Thank you.