Using ASP.NET Core I am creating a system to invite users to Join a Group, Get Free Credits, ...
When inviting a User to Join a Group I create an Invitation which is saved in the database:
The token is saved on the database along with other information:
Invitation invitation = new Invitation {
InvitationType = "JoinGroup",
Completed = false,
Expiry = DateTime.Now.AddDays(4),
Token = some_token,
Parameters = new List<Parameter> {
new Parameter { Name = "GroupId", Value = 22 },
new Parameter { Name = "RoleId", Value = "Admin" },
new Parameter { Name = "Email", Value = "[email protected]" },
Then I send an email with an url:
When the user accesses the url I get the record with the given token.
With that information I do whatever I need to do, for example, add User to the Group.
How should I create a unique token?
Which information should I include in the token?
And how should I validate it?
2. None 3. By checking if it's in the database (and setting it to expired/used) – Ehf