I am pretty new to web technologies. I am making a chatbot with face detection integrated although I know how to work with python and its libs with other works, i am facing issue while loading the pages
Requirement: Face detection on web, for now, we can refer to it as localhost. So for this, I have OpenCV Harcascade file ready and the detection part is also happening. sample below image and code for web and pyton.
Error: By clicking on Weblink python flask navigation are going to a pending state.
As you can see here Face detection is working but when i am clicking on Collect my Image link its loading forever. Please help on this.
Html Code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Video Stream</title>
<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="templates/css/main.css"> -->
<p >{{ alert }}</p>
<div class="container">
<img class="bottomright" class="center" style="width: 500px;height: 300px;"src="{{ url_for('video_feed') }}">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6"> <a href="/exec2" class="btn btn-sm animated-button victoria-one">Collect My Images</a> </div>
Python Main.py class:-
from flask import Flask, render_template, Response
from camera import VideoCamera
# import create_data
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
def gen(camera):
while True:
frame = camera.get_frame()
yield (b'--frame\r\n'
b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + frame + b'\r\n\r\n')
def video_feed():
return Response(gen(VideoCamera()),
mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')
def parse1():
# response_data_collection =
# if response_data_collection != None:
# print("Done with Collecting Data")
# else:
# response_data_collection = "Couldn't able to create data files"
# return render_template('index.html', alert='Done with Collecting Data')
def training():
return render_template('training.html', alert='Not Yet Trained')
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(host='', debug=True)
Need help correcting parse1() class.
VideoCamera.py:- (Where all face detection related py code lies)
import cv2
import os
import time
datasets = 'datasets'
class VideoCamera(object):
def __init__(self):
self.video = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
def __del__(self):
def get_frame(self):
success, image = self.video.read()
for (x,y,w,h) in face_rects:
ret, jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)
return jpeg.tobytes()
def save_to_dataset(self):
return_data = ''
sub_data = 'Tapan_1'
(width, height) = (130, 100)
count = 1
path = os.path.join(datasets, sub_data)
if not os.path.isdir(path):
while count < 20:
success, image = self.video.read()
for (x,y,w,h) in face_rects:
face = gray[y:y + h, x:x + w]
face_resize = cv2.resize(face, (width, height))
cv2.imwrite('%s/%s.png' % (path,count), face_resize)
count += 1
if count == 20:
return_data = '20 image captured.'
# cv2.waitKey(1)
# self.video.release()
# cv2.destroyAllWindow()
# time.sleep(1)
return_data = "Data already Thr"
return return_data
So when I am clicking on Collect my Images the network going to a pending state.
here are some screenshots.
Here you can see the Here message is printing but not navigating to exec2 page, hence this is unable to take pictures. if you are thinking might be some issue with capturing images I can surely tell there is no issue with that. I have tested with one direct link where pictures are taking so there is no problem in Videocamera python code. Something going wrong with python calling the functions.
If you can help me with the same code or if you have any reference code from your understanding which might work in this scenario please let me know Thanks.