I like Nick's suggestion, but if you're really determined, it seems that you can find these values by inspecting the output after you set trace on
. Here's some inefficient code that seems to do exactly what you want. Three notes:
- when I import the log file I get this message:
Note: Unmatched quote while processing row XXXX; this can be due to a formatting problem in the file or because a quoted data element spans multiple lines. You should carefully inspect your data after importing. Consider using option bindquote(strict) if quoted data spans multiple lines or option bindquote(nobind) if quotes are not used for binding data.
- Sometimes the data fall outside of the min and max range values that are chosen for the graph's axis labels (but you can easily test for this).
- The log linesize is actually important to my code below because the key values must fall on the same line as the strings that I use to identify the helpful rows.
* start a log (critical step for my solution)
cap log close _all
set linesize 255
log using "log", replace text
* make up some data:
set obs 3
gen xvar = rnormal(0,10)
gen yvar = rnormal(0,.01)
* turn trace on, run the -twoway- call, and then turn trace off
set trace on
twoway scatter yvar xvar
set trace off
cap log close _all
* now read the log file in and find the desired info
import delimited "log.log", clear
egen my_string = concat(v*)
keep if regexm(my_string,"forvalues yf") | regexm(my_string,"forvalues xf")
drop if regexm(my_string,"delta")
split my_string, parse("=") gen(new)
gen axis = "vertical" if regexm(my_string,"yf")
replace axis = "horizontal" if regexm(my_string,"xf")
keep axis new*
duplicates drop
loc my_regex = "(.*[0-9]+)\((.*[0-9]+)\)(.*[0-9]+)"
gen min = regexs(1) if regexm(new3,"`my_regex'")
gen delta = regexs(2) if regexm(new3,"`my_regex'")
gen max_temp= regexs(3) if regexm(new3,"`my_regex'")
destring min max delta , replace
gen max = min + delta* int((max_temp-min)/delta)
*here is the info you want:
list axis min delta max