I have a list which is stored inside a Viewmodel
via Stateflow
class FirstSettingViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val _mRoomList = MutableStateFlow<List<InitRoom>>(mutableListOf())
val mRoomList: StateFlow<List<InitRoom>> = _mRoomList
I observe the flow via collectAsState()
. The LazyColumn
consists of Boxes which can be clicked.
val roomList = mViewModel.mRoomList.collectAsState()
Dialog {
LazyColumn(...) {
items(roomList.value, key = { room -> room.room_seq}) { room ->
Box(Modifier.clickable {
}) {...}
When a click event occurs, the viewModel changes the 'isSelected' value via a copied list like this.
fun selectItem(room: InitRoom) = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
try {
val cpy = mutableListOf<InitRoom>()
mRoomList.value.forEach {
cpy.forEach {
it.isSelected = it.room_seq == room.room_seq
} catch (e: Exception) {
When in an xml
based view and a ListAdapter
, this code will work well, but in the above compose code, it doesn't seem to recompose the LazyColumn
at all. What can I do to re-compose
the LazyColumn