Here is an kludge that works well for me. It is a variant on gnud's answer. (Different enough to deserve a separate answer vs. comment I hope.) I have tested a lot of word placements and this has performed consistently.
When a text is drawn without fully reaching the full height of the font, clipping can occur. As gnud noted, by using characters such as "Aj" (I use "Fj") you avoid this bug.
Whenever a word is placed:
1) Do a draw.textsize(text, font=font) with your desired word. Store the height/width.
2) Add ' Fj' (spaceFJ) to the end of the word, and redo the textsize and store tis third height/width.
4) You will do the actual text draw with the word from item 2 (with the ' Fj' at the end). Having this addendum will keep the font from being clipped.
4) Before you do the actual text draw, crop the image where the ' Fj' will land (crop.load() is required to avoid a lazy copy). Then draw the text, and past the cropped image back over the ' Fj'.
This process avoids clipping, seems reasonably performant, and yields the full, unclipped text. Below is a copy/paste of a section of Python code I use for this. Partial example, but hopefully it adds some insight.
# note: xpos & ypos were previous set = coordinates for text draw
# the hard-coded addition of 4 to c_x likely will vary by font
# (I only use one font in this process, so kludged it.)
width, height = draw.textsize(word, font=font)
word2 = word + ' Fj'
width2, height2 = draw.textsize(word2, font=font)
# crop to overwrite ' Fj' with previous image bits
c_w = width2 - width
c_h = height2
c_x = xpos + width + 4
c_y = ypos
box = (c_x, c_y, c_x + c_w, c_y + c_h)
region = img.crop(box)
draw.text((xpos, ypos), word2, (0,0,0), font=font)
img.paste(region, box)