Why do these blocks of code yield different results?
Some common code:
#define PART1PART2 works
#define STRINGAFY0(s) #s
case 1:
#define GLUE(a,b,c) a##b##c
case 2:
#define GLUE(a,b) a##b##*
case 3:
#define GLUE(a,b) a##b
I am using MSVC++ from VS.net 2005 sp1
Edit: it is currently my belief that the preprocessor works like this when expanding macros: Step 1: - take the body - remove any whitespace around ## operators - parse the string, in the case that an identifier is found that matches the name of a parameter: -if it is next to a ## operator, replace the identifier with the literal value of the parameter (i.e. the string passed in) -if it is NOT next to a ## operator, run this whole explanation process on the value of the parameter first, then replace the identifier with that result. (ignoring the stringafy single '#' case atm) -remove all ## operators
Step 2: - take that resultant string and parse it for any macros
now, from that I believe that all 3 cases should produce the exact same resultant string:
and hence after step 2, should result in
but at very least should result in the same thing.