There are plenty of articles out there, just google it. The date doesn't matter as much, most of the main functionality is basically the same, they don't change it much because a ton of people rely on it being the same. What you really need to do though, is look at the documentation at paypal, its quite thorough, and even has code samples. Including for subscriptions, how do you think the people who wrote articles, and everyone who has implemented it did it? Did they just guess and hope for the best?
Next get yourself an account on the paypal sandbox. Want to know what the IPN sends back? Setup a script to catch an IPN post, and save all the $_POST data to a file, and see for yourself using the sandbox to complete a fake order. Thats what I did when implementing paypal. Of course, the return values are also noted in the documents as well.
I believe the field they will send back is called custom. You could hijack a field you are not using, like productnumber. Or maybe use the payer_id field. Or identify them with their email. There is not just one way to do it. The best way to find out though, is to try it on the sandbox rather than waiting for someone to do it for you or write an article. You could have saved yourself 3 days of reading if you would just try it.
Found these in about 2 minutes, there is more than enough info in these to get the job done.
Various IPN and subscription tutorials:
Paypal Documentation: (this is the one you really want)