I have the following problem:
Programmatically creating a dijit.Dialog and a dojox.grid.DataGrid (linked to a global Variable Data Store (dojo.store.Memory) ) the content of the Dialog is not shown while the Dialog size remains at a minimum.
The DataGrids Store is filled correctly and Firebug shows the Grid inside the Dialog.
data = new dojo.data.ObjectStore(
{ objectStore: new dojo.store.Memory({data:[]}) });
showDialog = function(){
var dlg = dijit.byId('myDlg');
var cp = new dijit.layout.ContentPane({style:"width:500;height:500;"});
var grid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({
store : data,
structure : [
dlg = new dijit.Dialog({
Maybe I added something in the wrong order?
Also I do not know if my way of combining/appending dojo widgets using the domNode property is the correct way of doing things.
I do not know if the ContentPane I am using is necessary to place the Grid inside the Dialog. Both variants did not work so far.
Finally I am unsure if and where the Dialog needs static measurements to size correctly. In my experience the Dialog itself does not need static width or height, but I have no experience so far with adding a dynamic component like the Grid - which might change its size later at startup - to a Dialog.