I have the following Phing configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="ru.fractalizer.phpsweetpdo" default="make-phar-packages" basedir="..">
<target name="run-tests-library" description="Running all the tests">
<formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
<fileset dir="tests/Library">
<include name="**/*Test*.php"/>
But executing Phing build on this target gives me error:
Execution of target "run-tests-library" failed for the following reason: Z:\Work\PHP\phpSweetPDO\phing\build.xml:5:17: phing.types.Path doesn't support nested text data.
BUILD FAILED Z:\Work\PHP\phpSweetPDO\phing\build.xml:5:17: phing.types.Path doesn't support nested text data. Total time: 9.0173 seconds
I don't understand the message. What exactly is not supported?
5:17 is the line where "<phpunit>"
tag is written.