For this case, you would have 2 files called and which specify from settings import *
A would have SITE=1 and B would have SITE=B. you can then set these files in your apache configs by setting the environment variable for each virtual host DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings_A and DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings_B
Then you set up the contrib.sites app with your 2 domain names bound to the appropriate site ID, and your flatpages will be able to be bound to either or both sites.
Lastly, in you either specify seperate root urlconfs or you use the use settings.SITE in your urlconfs to enable and disable groups of urls for each site.
Hope this helps
EDIT: To clarify: as long as you use the same database and SECRET_KEY between both sites, you can use the same user accounts between them too. If the sites are of the form and then setting SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN to will allow the session to carry over between both sites.