I'm testing my Android application with Robotium and I'm facing one intermittent problem. My application starts with a SigninActivity which allows the user to signin and after that he is directed to the second activity which has a list that is filled after a request to a web server.
The first question is: since all my activities can only be accessed after the user is logged in, I need to start every test for every activity from the login screen. So what I'm doing is for every activity test class, I'm inheriting it from
and in the setUp method I'm loggin in the user. Is this the correct approach?
Second question: I want to test the list data in the second activity that is filled after a request to the web server. As mentioned above, in my setup method I login the user, and I use
solo.waitForActivity(SecondActivity.class, BIG_TIMEOUT)
to guarantee that the second activity and the list are present. The problem is, even with this verification I often get
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Can not click on line number 2 as there are only 0 lines available