I've looked through the documentation, the docs and SO questions and answers and am still struggling with understanding a small piece of this. Which should you choose and when?
This is what I've read so far (just sample):
The key class seems pretty straightforward to me. When you create an ndb entity the datastore automatically creates for you a key usually in the form of key(Kind, id) where the id is created for you .
So say you have these two models:
class Blah(ndb.Model):
last_name = ndb.StringProperty()
class Blah2(ndb.Model):
first_name = ndb.StringProperty()
blahkey = ndb.KeyProperty()
So just using the key kind and you want to make Blah1 a parent (or have several family members with the same last name)
lname = Blah(last_name = "Bonaparte")
l_key = lname.put() **OR**
l_key = lname.key.id() # spits out some long id
fname_key = l_key **OR**
fname_key = ndb.Key('Blah', lname.last_name) # which is more readable..
lname = Blah2( parent=fname_key, first_name = "Napoleon")
lname2 = Blah2( parent=fname_key, first_name = "Lucien")
So far so good (I think). Now about the KeyProperty for Blah2. Assume Blah1 is still the same.
lname3 = Blah2( first_name = "Louis", blahkey = fname_key)
Is this correct ?
How to query various things
Query Last Name:
Blah.query() # all last names
Blah.query(last_name='Bonaparte') # That specific entity.
First Name:
napol = Blah2.query(first_name = "Napoleon")
bonakey = napol.key.parent().get() # returns Bonaparte's key ??
bona = bonakey.get() # I think this might be redundant
this is where I get lost. How to look for Bonaparte from first name by using either key or keyproperty. I didn't add it here and perhaps should have and that is the discussion of parents, grand parents, great grand parents since Keys keep track of ancestors/parents.
How and why would you use KeyProperty vs the inherent key class. Also imagine you had 3 sensors s1, s2, s3. Each sensor had thousands of readings but you want to keep readings associated with s1 so that you could graph say All readings for today for s1. Which would you use? KeyProperty or the key class ? I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere but I didn't see a clear example/guide about choosing which and why/how.