I want the queries to return a score that gets calculated like:
occurrence of each query term in title + description / number of query terms
for example
EbSearch.add [
new_job( id: 1, title: "Java Programmierer",
description: "Java Programmierer")
res = EbSearch.search("Java Programmierer").results.first.score.should == 4
at the moment it outputs 8, because it does the query for each term and sums it up. I could just divide afterwards, but I don't have the analyzed query terms, so compounds could mess up the score.
The query is structured like below:
search = Tire.search index_name do
query do
dis_max do
query { string query, fields: ['title^3', 'description.with_synonyms^0.5'], use_dis_max: false, default_operator: "OR" }
query { string query, fields: ['title^3', 'description.without_synonyms'], use_dis_max: false, default_operator: "OR"}
Any idea how i could solve this problem is greatly appreciated.
I realized that i provided not enough context.
Here are some other snippets I already worked out. I wrote a custom SimilarityProvider to disable idf and normalization. https://gist.github.com/outsmartin/6114175
The complete Tire code is found here https://gist.github.com/6114186. It is a little bit more complicated then the example, but it should be understandable.