Unfortunately, this doesn't quite work without some modification by players on the iPhone side.
There's a few things that have to happen to even get the leaderboards to show up somewhat correctly on the iPhone side.
On the Google Play Developer Console, you need to go to your Game services and go to the Leaderboards page. Select the leaderboard in question and review the properties. In order to make sure that the iPhone users can see anything on the leaderboards, the property Enable tamper protection needs to be set to off.
This allows the iPhone app user to see the scores on the leaderboard. However, even with this, that iPhone user will not be able to post to the public leaderboard. When the iPhone app user invokes the show leaderboard methods, the leaderboard UI will show up and offer the choice between Social and All. Unfortunately, the default for the iPhone user is that their scores will not be present on the All list. They will, however, have their scores presented on the Social list.
In order to permit the scores to be shown on the All leaderboard, the iPhone user must make sure their permissions are set so they will allow public exposure of their activities.
I have read that in some cases, this is permitted by invoking Game Center prior to running the target app. I've also read that the personal profile's privacy settings in Game Center needs to make sure that the user's profile settings are public. I think that depends on which version of the OS you currently have on your iPhone.