I tried to learn "Lena's reversing for newbies", when some trouble arise. I start Pixtopian Book with ollyDbg, then try to have MessageBox with message about uregistered version. Then i switch to OllyDbg, stop program executing and press "Alt+F9" for "Back to user mode" which stop the program after it exit from DLL.
But after this program does not work, it's frozen and does not respond to my actions. If i turn off "Back to user mode" program normally work.
What's the problem? Can i try to use "Back to user mode" in IDA (uses WinDbg) or some other debugger and How i can do this? Can i repair it function in OllyDbg?
P.S. It's like the program stopped and didn't run after use "ALT+F9".
/Sorry for my English, i'm just learning ;-)/
Execute till User Code
was working fine. Let me see in which cases this cannot work. – Outshout