I'm adapting Apache cookbook to work with 2.4 Apache. Opscode cookbook is currently failing because it's generating conf file with LockFile keyword that is excluded from the list of the Apache 2.4 keywords.
I want to make a general solution, and populate my conf file depending on the version of software. To do so, I have to find out what's the version of already installed software. This same question has been bothering me for about a time now, but I've been managing to avoid it. Since I'm getting to it over and over again, I'd like to ask:
How to find out version of installed package/software, if cookbook doesn't specify it, i.e. installs latest available one?
Note: Please don't tell me to pass the command to the underlying shell. I'd like to know if there is a better, more... Chefy way? Maybe something related to Ohai?
EDIT: Seems I'm misunderstood. I wanted to know if there's a solution that abstracts the platform layer (just like Ohai does), where I'd say something like gimme_version('apache')
and get the installed apache version. I want to avoid writing case node['platform_family'] when... when... when
with platform specific code inside.
statements andnode['platform_family']
– Callow