I'm having issues getting coveralls to work. I've created a simple project here.
It seems to be outputting the report correctly, but I'm definitely missing a step somewhere because coveralls doesn't see me as being set up. No branches show up, and it simply gives instructions on how to set it up. I've tried to copy what qunit is doing, because they obviously have it working.
Here is what I've done so far.
Created the project that uses node/grunt/qunit as well as the coveralls account and toggled on the project.
I've then replaced the qunit
reference in the devDependencies
section in package.json
with this.
"grunt-coveralls": "0.3.0",
"grunt-qunit-istanbul": "^0.4.0"
I've added this to my package.json
"scripts": {
"ci": "grunt && grunt coveralls"
I've added this config for qunit
in my Gruntfile.js
options: {
timeout: 30000,
"--web-security": "no",
coverage: {
src: [ "src/<%= pkg.name %>.js" ],
instrumentedFiles: "temp/",
coberturaReport: "report/",
htmlReport: "build/report/coverage",
lcovReport: "build/report/lcov",
linesThresholdPct: 70
I then added this to my .travis.yml
language: node_js
- "0.10"
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
npm run-script coveralls
grunt coveralls
? – Dorkus