I've got a shapefile (SpatialLinesDataFrame) containing all streets in cologne, which can be downloaded from here. I merged this @data with data from an external source. How can i plot these streets (if possible on an google map using ggmaps), so that every street has a different colour (or thickness), depending on its individual value?
So far, i have done this:
shapefile <- readOGR(shapfile, "Strasse", stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
shp <- spTransform(shapefile, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
at this point i add another column to the shp@data data frame, which contains a certain value for each street. Then I fortifiy the the shapefile so it can be plotted using ggplot:
shp$id <- rownames(shp@data)
shp.df <- as.data.frame(shp)
data_fort <- fortify(shp, region = "id")
data_merged <- join(data_fort, shp.df, by="id")
When i use geom_lines, the lines do not look good and are not easy to identify:
ggplot(data_merged, aes(x=long, y=lat,
colour=values)) +
Here i saw that one could transform the shapefile so that geom_segement (or in this case a modified function "geom_segment2") can be used, but then would loose my the street specific values.
column. – Maidageom_path(...)
, not `geom_line(...). – Maida