I am trying to write an xml file using the code below:
def make_xml(a_numpy_array):
from lxml import etree as ET
root = ET.Element('intersections')
intersection = ET.SubElement(root, 'intersection')
trace = ET.SubElement(intersection, 'trace')
trace.text = a_numpy_array
print ET.tostring(root, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding = 'utf-8')
expects a string input. I want to put in the xml file here a 2D array stored as a numpy ndarray. But I cannot seem to be able to export the data to a string. numpy.tostring
gives me bytecode, what do I do with that? the solution ive come up with is to write the ndarray to a text file and then read the text file as a string but I would like to be able to skip writing a text file.