I've been writing a simple program in python that encodes a string into a number using Gödel's encoding. Here's a quick overview: you take the first letter of the string, find its position in the alphabet (a -> 1, b -> 2, ..., z -> 26) and raise the first prime number (2) to this power. The you take the second letter in the string and the second prime (3) and so on. Here's the code:
import string, math
alphabet = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
def primes(n):
"Returns a list of primes up to n."
primes = [2, 3]
i = 5
while i < n:
l = math.ceil(math.sqrt(i))
k = math.ceil(math.sqrt(i+2))
for p in primes[:l]:
if i % p == 0:
for p in primes[:k]:
if (i+2) % p == 0:
i += 6
return primes
def Encode(string):
"Encodes a string using Godel's encoding."
enc = 1
p = primes(100)
for i in range(len(string)):
enc = enc*(p[i]**(alphabet.index(string[i])+1))
return enc
def Decode(code):
"Decodes a Godel's encoding into a string."
dec = ""
for i in primes(100):
count = 0
while code % i == 0:
code /= i
count += 1
if count == 0: #If we've found a prime that doesn't divide code,
#there are no more letters to be added.
dec += alphabet[count-1]
return dec
The primes() function works for my intends and purposes and so does Encode(). Now Decode() is the interesting part. It works for encodings up to ~15 digits long but starts doing some mystical stuff starting at ~20 digits. So for instance it gives the right output for the encoding of "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" but not for "python". For big numbers it seems to execute the while code % i == 0
loop too many times (176 for the first letter of "python" when it should be just 16).
Is this just a problem with the mod function in python? Sounds strange as 20 digits isn't all that long for a computer. Is there a mistake in my code? Thanks for all the help. I'm not a programmer myself but I'm trying to learn doing stuff like this. Therefore any constructive criticism is welcome.